Before you cancel
We value your business and would like to make sure you receive the most from your PrivadoVPN account. Most VPN issues are very easy to resolve in just a few clicks. Please check these quick steps to troubleshoot the most common VPN issues on any device:
- Need help connecting from a country with Internet restrictions and censorship
- Need help setting up our app on any device and see how it works
- Need help with your username and password
- Need help with connectivity issues
- Need help accessing channels or websites
- Slow speeds
If you need more help, please contact our team, and we will be happy to assist you.
How to Cancel the Account
1. If you still prefer to cancel your account, you can do it online from your Admin area:
2. Next, click 'Cancel Subscription'.
3. Fill in the reason for the cancellation and confirm the cancellation.
4. A system note will be displayed to confirm the cancellation. All done!
Partner accounts
If you received a PrivadoVPN activation token from one of our preferred partners, you will need to contact the Partners' Support Team or cancel your VPN add-on through their admin panel.